There were topless advocates for abortion rights on the court at the game in Brooklyn. They had messages on their bodies.

Security appears to be pulling one protester by the hair during the demonstration at the WNBA game. (Photo: Sarah Stier via Getty Images)
Security appears to be pulling one protester by the hair during the demonstration at the WNBA game. (Photo: Sarah Stier via Getty Images)

The protester is being pulled by the security at the game. In this photo, Sarah Stier is shown.

There were other protesters in the stands holding signs. There is no abortion on demand and no apology.

The protesters apparently represented Rise Up 4 Abortion. (Photo: Sarah Stier via Getty Images)
The protesters apparently represented Rise Up 4 Abortion. (Photo: Sarah Stier via Getty Images)

Rise up 4 abortion was represented by the protesters. In this photo, Sarah Stier is shown.

Protesters had their breasts painted over.

June 8, 2022, is when Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights will take place.

The activists were taken out of the arena by security. Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights staged protests at Dodger Stadium and at televangelistJoel Osteen's church.

The group wrote that the women-friendly crowd at the game was the one they were looking for.

This was the audience we wanted. We aren't protesting to change the hearts & minds of woman-hating fascists. No. We are calling on those who can stop the overturning of #RoeVWade: THE MILLIONS of ppl who support #abortionrights. YOU! No business as usual. Shut the country down!

June 8, 2022, is when Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights will take place.

The NYPD told the New York Post that no charges were filed.

A leak indicated that the Supreme Court would overturn a woman's right to an abortion.

Spectators held up signs while protesters rushed the court in the abortion rights demonstration. (Photo: Sarah Stier via Getty Images)

Protesters rushed the court while spectators held up signs. In this photo, Sarah Stier is shown.

Rebecca Allen said she was all for the message. We were able to log back into the game and play.

The protesters were initially thought to be entertainers.

She said it took her a while to process. It was not easy. Everyone should be off the floor. It's good for them. I'm all for it if it helps.

The article was first published on HuffPost.
