Over the past few months, the market has been volatile, but users are still holding strong.

Money is being brought into the system. Johnny Lee, general manager of games at Solana Labs, said that a $100 million investment and grant fund has been set up by Solana. There are gaming studios in South Korea.

Austin Federa, head of communications at Solana Labs, said that the fund is backed by capital from the community treasury.

A lot of Korea's gaming industry is moving into web3 Some of our investments will be venture-sized checks because we want to be flexible.

Lee said that the gaming and NFTs sectors are a good fit for web3.

There are a lot of critics who don't like play-to-earn gaming because they don't enjoy the game. In the last six months, a number of gaming studios have focused on improving their games in order to expand their reach.

There will be more high-quality and fun games launching in the second half of 2022, according to Lee. The perception that play-to-earn games aren't fun could be altered by these games.

That is about to change according to us.

Lee thinks web3 games will be just as popular as free-to-play games on mobile devices. He said that there was a lot of resistance from developers.

The timelines are reduced due to the rapid growth of the web3 industry.

If we say it will take four years for web3 games to be the dominant revenue model, I am pretty happy with that.