Joaquin Phoenix in Joker.

Joaquin Phoenix won an Oscar for best actor for his performance in the film. There was a lot of talk about a possible sequel after those awards. Is the movie that needed a sequel actually the movie that needs a sequel? Is it possible that that would go against its entire point? We know for certain.

There is a sequel to the movie "Joker" written by Scott Silver andPhillips. Sharing madness is a phrase used to describe when multiple people share the same delusion. If a group of people thought a killer was actually a hero.

The picture of Phoenix reading the script was posted byPhillips. It seems like things are moving in the right direction after a long time. io9 has reached out to Warner Bros. for comment or clarification and will update the post if we hear back, but it is not certain if this is a movie that is official. It seemed as if he and Phoenix were open to it but only if there was a way to respect the non-comic book nature of the original.

The same old DC Universe questions will be raised by a sequel to the comic book character. The young Bruce Wayne in the first film may not grow up. He might become a Caped Crusader. What do you think about Arthur's journey? Is that the case for other Batmen in other movies. There are a lot of questions and not a lot of answers. The team that made the first movie is working on the sequel.