According to a new British Medical Journal study, people who lived in counties that voted Republican in the presidential elections of 2000 to 2016 had higher death rates than people who lived in counties that voted Democrat.
The people are waiting to vote.
The study used data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to show a decline in mortality rates in Democratic counties.
Deaths from heart disease, cancer, chronic lung disease, unintentional injuries, and suicide drove the growth of the death rate between Democrat and Republican counties.
White residents in Republican counties saw a 3% mortality rate gap in 2001 compared to black and Hispanic residents who saw a 15% mortality rate gap.
White and Hispanic Americans had lower mortality rates in both Republican and Democratic counties from 2001 to 2019.
According to the researchers, rural Republican counties had the highest mortality rates out of all groups and saw the smallest improvement in death rates over time.
Local policies may affect health outcomes. Mortality rates were studied based on whether a county voted for a Democratic or Republican presidential candidate.
According to previous research, counties thatelect Republicans tend to see worse health outcomes, including less improvements in life expectancy and higher rates of deaths from suicide, drugs and alcohol. A study published in Health Affairs shows that people living in counties that voted Republican in the 2020 presidential election were more likely to die from Covid-19 than people in counties that voted for Democrats. More liberal policies such as labor, immigration and environmental protections are associated with better life expectancy, while more conservative policies such as abortion restrictions are associated with lower life expectancy. More liberal states are more likely to implement welfare policies that act as a safety net for vulnerable populations, such as Medicaid expansion, which has led to better health care and reductions in mortality. Data from after the 2016 presidential election and a breakdown of mortality rates by sex, race, ethnicity and location are included in the study. There is a growing difference in mortality rates between Republican and Democratic counties.
The life expectancy is tied to voting choices.