This large Pokemon Go SMS group text thread gets inundated with iOS Tapback reactions.
Image: Umar Shakir / The Verge

People who have been in a text message group chat with other people on the same platform probably know about the annoying text messages from people on the other platform. Apple is doing something about it with the new version of its mobile operating system. After the update, written messages will be hidden and output as a bubble icon next to the message it was reacting to.

The fix on theAndroid side was similar to the one on theiOS side. There was an issue with Apple's iMessage Tapbacks in the "green bubble" threads.

Apple prefers this workaround over adopting RCS

When iMessage received its most defining upgrade ever with features like full-screen message effects and stickers, the tapbacks began. In the six years since it was first released, Apple has added more features, but it won't include support for RCS.

It seems that Apple prefers this method of circumventing a new standard over adopting a new standard, since it seems that they prefer this method of circumventing a new standard over adopting a new standard It's possible that Apple would not even consider it before some work is done against fake news.