Domonique Foxworth talked to the PGA Tour about the first LIV tournament. There is a time and a place for it.
The U.S. Open will be open next week under a USGA decision that puts the open nature of the tournament over a player's decision to play in a Saudi-funded rival league.
The U.S. Open will be played at The Country Club outside Boston in June, and two players are exempt for that event. The third major of the year will be played by both of them.
The players who signed up for the new league are:
Should a player who had earned his way into the U.S. Open be pulled out of the field if he decided to play in another tournament? The USGA decided that they shouldn't.
It was no surprise that the U.S. Open did not deny entry. The open nature of the 156-man field makes the second oldest golf championship proud. Half of the field must go through 36-hole qualification in order to play in the majors.
It's one of the reasons why our Open is different. Mike Whan, the CEO of the USGA, said that if you don't believe that, watch what happened yesterday.
There were 49 spots that were held in eight American cities and one in Canada, he said. In Texas, Japan and England, three other people were held.
The main source of funding for the new league headed by Greg Norman is a country with an abysmal record on human rights.
Whan said that people have strong points of view and that maybe there should be a morality clause. If we decide what's on their sleeve or their bag or what tour they're playing, I'm not sure that's ok.
He said that they didn't track personal beliefs and who funded them. It doesn't mean we're not interested.
The USGA said in a statement that it shouldn't suggest that the organization supports an alternative tour or a player's actions.
It is a response to whether or not the USGA views playing in an alternative event without the consent of their home tour as an offense that should disqualify them for the US Open.
A 10-year exemption was granted to Johnson after he won the U.S. Open. There is a five-year exemption from winning a major. They were among the top 60 in the world.
Some people have resigned their memberships on the tour. The tour didn't authorize the releases to play and that could lead to discipline for Lefty. The releases are required by the tour.
The US Open is run by the USGA and players who are suspended by the PGA Tour won't affect that. Whan said that it has a good relationship with the largest tour in the world.
The tour is the most influential tour in the world. Who is going to the U.S. Open?" The players on thePGA Tour are the best. This is not about the tour. We have no idea how strong they are.
The criteria for the U.S. open is to be determined. Whan said the U.S. Open exempt criteria is under constant review and there is no idea what the LIV Golf Invitational series will look like in the future.
Whan said that the thing is different than it was four months ago. It's a bit of a challenge. We don't know what the criteria will look like next year.