Russia's space agency is struggling to keep operations going after the country invaded Ukranian, which has caused it to distance itself from the rest of the international space community.

Russian scientists are trying to take over a German telescope that is almost a million miles away.

Three years ago, the Russian-built Spektr-RG was launched. The ART-XC instrument, a Russian high-energy X-ray telescope, is housed in it.

Russian authorities seem to want control of the instrument back after Germany forced eROSITA into safe mode on February 26th.

Whatever It Takes

The telescope is going to be in the hands of a man.

The German telescope in the Spektr-RG system needs to be restored in order for it to work with the Russian telescope.

Russian specialists insist on continuing their work despite Germany's demand to shut down one of the telescopes. There will be decisions made in the near future.

German officials warn that if eROSITA is turned on without the involvement of the MPE it could cause damage.

Going Rogue-ozin

Germany halted the Spektr-RG spacecraft's operations, and Rogozin is angry about it.

He said that the people who shut down the telescope didn't have a right to do so because of their pro-fascist views.

The future of the observatory remains to be seen. Don't ever bet against the Russian space program being chaotic.

Russia wants to take over the German telescope on its X-ray spaceship.