Critics who have access to screeners for at least part of the series are now giving reviews that are higher than usual. There has been one bit of consistency so far.
Almost all of them are good.
With a few reviews in, Ms.Marvel is batting a perfect 100%. Iman Vellani is the reason the series works so well according to most of the reviews. The show is described as a "coming of age" style superhero story, and is the first of its kind. It's full of heart and charm and hard to not like, according to the reviews. According to a new dump of reviews, 45 reviews are in, 43 are fresh, and 2 are rotten.
Here are a few of the things critics are saying about Ms.
It's too early to say where Ms. Marvel will fit in the grand scheme of the other MCU series, but as a reminder, here's what we're working with based on the last year+ worth of entries.
If these early reviews are any indication of what is to come, this certainly isn't going to be a missed opportunity for fans of the series. I think it will be near the top of the list in the end. As more reviews arrive, I will keep an eye on it.
Since Disney finally has a full slate of shows, we will have a Marvel show and a Star Wars show at the same time. It is not clear if Disney is going to be shooting for a second season of Ms. Marvel, or if they are just going to be content with having Kamala in the feature film. It appears that season 1 is not to be missed.
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