Donald Trump shouts at rally
Former President Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Michigan on April 2.Scott Olson/Getty Images
  • The Washington Post got an email from the Trump campaign.

  • The email showed how these people could get into Georgia's Capitol.

  • The scheme's participants were asked for complete secrecy and discretion to make sure Trump won.

A bombshell email obtained by The Washington Post and CNN has revealed new information on a scheme to get fake electors to cast electoral votes for Donald Trump.

Instructions on how to cast electoral college votes for Trump were contained in an email dated December 13, 2020. The 16 electoral votes for the state were cast in favor of the Biden-Harris ticket.

In an email sent by a Trump campaign staffer, fake electors were told to go to the Georgia State Capitol and cast their votes for Trump instead of following the will of the voters.

The Trump campaign's elections operations director in Georgia asked for complete discretion in the process. If we don't have complete transparency and discretion, your duties will be hampered.

According to The Post, the electors were told to inform the building's security guards that they had an appointment with a senator to get into the building.

According to the outlet, Sinners wrote in bold text that he should not speak to the media about the Presidential Electors.

Georgia was one of seven states where fake documents were sent to the National Archives to make themselves look like they had won. The papers bore the signatures of the Trump supporters, but they were actually rogue individuals who had no role in certifying election results.

The Fulton County district attorney is investigating the issue of fake voters.

In a statement to The Post, Sinners said he was following instructions from senior campaign staffers.

"After the Former President refused to accept the results of the election and allow a peaceful transition of power, my views on this matter have changed a lot," said Sinners, who now works for Georgia's Secretary of State

A lawyer for Shafer told The Post that he gave all his communications about the electoral vote to the committee.

"None of these communications, nor his testimony, suggest that Mr. Shafer requested or wished for confidentiality," his lawyer said.

Insider asked for comment from Trump's representatives, but they didn't reply.

Business Insider has an article on it.