Image for article titled The Ohio GOP would like to ‘inspect’ your daughters’ genitals

There is a ban on trans youth in sports in Ohio. Their obsession has become pathological. The Republican-dominated House in Ohio approved a bill last week that would make it illegal for female athletes to compete in sports if they don't have their genitals inspected.

Female athletes used to show their genitalia to sporting officials to prove their sex. After accusations of disguising men as women to compete in the Olympics, international sports officials decided to check the genitals of all female athletes. Women were forced to lie on their backs and pull their knees to their chest for the exam. The name of the parade was the "nude parade."

The practice ended in the late 1960s, but it was preceded by critical race theory hysteria and "Don't Say Gay" laws. Conservatives believe in the myth of the gender cheat.

The war against minorities is a staple of modern conservative policies. The decision to participate in sports is more dangerous to children than the ban on assault rifles. One of them would be legislated out of existence by the GOP. It is not the one that is the number one killer of children in the United States.

In over a dozen states, the familiar suspects have used their legislative arms to pass laws that target a small group of people to appease an authoritarian base. There isn't a threat of trans women invading women's athletics and only a small percentage of Americans identify as trans.

University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas is one of the few who have excelled in athletics after using hormones. The idea that anyone undergoing gender reassignment surgery to medal in women's track and field is a ridiculous sentiment shared by only the most smooth-brained supporters of these anti- trans bills.

In the past year, more than 50 percent of trans and non-binary youth had considered suicide. Complex discussions would have to be had involving medical professionals about hormone testing requirements after gender reassignments or about what a medically-sufficient length of time would be to minimize gender- related advantages for trans athletes.

The governor of Utah wrote a message explaining his position after vetoing the anti-trans in sports bill. He took a logical and compassionate position.

Acceptance and connection can reduce suicidality. Four kids are trying to find friends and feel part of something. Four kids are trying to survive. Most of the fear and anger has been directed at a few.

The point is the fact that the person is cruel. The governor of Florida declared that the state wouldn't recognize Thomas' victory in the 500-yard women's freestyle. Disney, the Special Olympics, and trans women are just some of the things that have been punished by DeSantis. Their authoritarian base is powered by policies that limit the rights of people.

There are easy targets for trans youth. The Magic City Acceptance Academy was featured in a gubernatorial attack ad. Michael Wilson, the school's founding principal, told CBS local that the school had to hire additional security because of an increase in men watching their school.

The legislatures ignored how this could be used by overzealous parents of student-athletes. Most of the people involved with youth sports aren't making a lot of money. The most far-reaching effect of the Ohio law is that overzealous parents will abuse it to make life hell for their children. A parent can recommend a girl for a gender check if they think she looks too feminine.

In the long run, Ohio's gender verification law will be more harmful to young women than it is to a single trans athlete. They would have to care about protecting young women and not use trans women as bait. Both of them are being hung out to dry.