President Joe Biden has not reached out to Republicans on gun legislation, according to a GOP Senator.

Margaret Brennan asked if Biden needed to be involved in the discussions about gun laws. The president had not been helpful, according to Toomey.

"I think the President might have been a president who would reach across the aisle, try to bring people together, but he's chosen not to do that since he took office," he said. He sided with the far left of his party and didn't reach out to the Republicans.

A group of Republican senators are working on gun reform. Biden's policies on gun reform have no chance of passing, according to him.

The president is not being helpful.

The senator said that senators are still discussing how to expand background checks.

We are trying to figure out how we can get the votes that we need. It hasn't been solved yet, but something in the background checks area is on the table, and I hope it will be part of a final package.

Congress is working on a number of measures meant to raise the minimum age to purchase a firearm in order to remove firearms from people who pose a threat.

The White House didn't reply immediately.