Zone training is a type of training that you can do if you practice a sport that involves a lot of cardiovascular activity. The word zone is used to refer to your heart rate. When you keep your heart rate in an easy zone, different processes take place than when you push yourself and your heart to work harder
If you want to improve your performance, you need to spend more time in your lower HR zone. Recovery time increases and tolerance for stress increases. Zone training was practiced involuntarily in the month that I wore the new running watch. My workouts were not acceptable despite keeping my heart rate under 140 and keeping my pace slow.
I was warned every day that I was overreaching and that injury was on the way. There wasn't a way to tell the app that I have a resting HR of 60, and I've been running this way for over 20 years. The software is probably the best feature of the watch, but it might be trying to do too much.
The runner is running on empty.
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The Pacer Pro is one of a number of sports watches that are trying to make a mark on the success of the Forerunner series. There are features that attract both new and experienced runners. They are lightweight, have satellite capabilities, and offer data that is easy to understand and actionable.
The $200 Pacer is the most comparable to the other two models. The version I tried was called the Pacer Pro, which has a barometer to measure altitude changes and little upgrades. To be honest, it looks a lot like the previous watches from the company. It is 11 grams heavier than the Pace 2 and has a bright, crisp display.
You can get a series of fitness tests. The VO 2 max is the amount of oxygen your body uses while you work. I began to breathe after laying down on the floor. I think I nailed it. A VO 2 max score of 40 is the same as a fit man. Relative VO 2 max is a more useful metric than absolute VO 2 max because it takes into account your body weight. My results are reflected in the results of the other company.
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