Paul Allen left behind a collection of assets that ranged from multimillion-dollar properties to a mega yacht. Most of it has been sold in the years since, but two high-profile holdings remain. Jody Allen assumed control of Allen's pro sports teams after he died. There aren't many clues about the future of the two teams because Jody Allen hasn't given any interviews in the intervening years. There are rumors that both teams could be sold to fulfill the terms of Paul Allen's estate. There's a small pool of moguls wealthy enough to make a bid, and one famous executive has already made an offer. We know a lot about Allen's estate and his teams. Bill Gates and Paul Allen met in high school and formed Microsoft in 1975. Allen left the company after being diagnosed with a cancer. He spent his time as a philanthropist, donating millions, and pursuing his hobbies, such as collecting art and mansions, as well as purchasing the Portland Trail blazers and the Seattle Seahawk. Forbes put Allen's net worth at $20 billion when he died. According to Forbes, Allen paid $70 million for the team in the late 1980's and promised to keep the team in Portland. Sometimes Allen and Gates sat at the games together. In the early 1990s, only a few years after Allen bought the team, it reached the NBA finals twice in two years, but the team has never won a title under his ownership. In the mid-2000s, a losing record and ill-advised trades led to a decline in fan attendance for the Portland Trail blazers. The team turned things around after Allen almost sold it, according to a Forbes article. "After you own a team for as long as I have, and you root for that team for that period of time, you've got rooting for the Portland Trail blazers in your blood," Allen once said. On October 15, Allen passed away from non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Jody Allen said in a statement that her brother was a remarkable individual. We are grateful for the care and concern he demonstrated every day at this time. Some of Allen's assets were put up for sale after he died. A 120-acre property in a coveted Beverly Hills neighborhood went on the market for $150 million last year, but it was almost sold to Amazon founder Jeff Bezos before it was purchased by EricSchmidt. The Silicon Valley mansion of Allen sold for $35.2 million in early 2020. The megayacht, which was listed for $278 million, was sold in 2021. Continue to read.
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