The theory is dependent on the top of the manifolds. The Institute for Advanced Study stated that this is Floer's incredible insight.
Dividing by zero is the way to do it.
Floer theory was very useful in the study of knots and mirror symmetry.
The central tool in the subject is it.
Floer's method only worked on one type of manifolds, so it didn't completely resolve the Arnold conjecture. The community effort to overcome this obstruction was undertaken over the next 20 years. The work led to a proof of the Arnold conjecture. The Arnold conjecture was not resolved when holes are counted using other number systems.
The proof involved dividing by the number of symmetries of a specific object is the reason the work didn't extend to number systems that arecyclic. rational numbers allow this to happen. Division is more difficult with numbers that change frequently. The numbers 5 and 10 are equal to zero if the number system goes back after five. In this setting, dividing by 5 is the same as dividing by zero. Someone was going to have to come up with a way to circumvent this issue.
The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that we have to introduce these denominators.
To expand Floer's theory and prove the Arnold conjecture with numbers, they needed to look beyond homology.
The topologist's tower is climbing.
A specific recipe can be applied to a shape. Topologists began to look at homology on its own terms during the 20th century.
A new way of counting holes was developed in the 1980's.
I don't want to think about the recipe. What comes out of the recipe? What structures did this group have?
The same fundamental properties were found in other theories. These were known as generalized theory. Topologists built up a tower of generalized homology theories, all of which can be used to classify space.
The ground floor theory of homology is mirrored by Floer homology. Floer had a theory that connected the generalized homology with specific features of a space in an infinite-dimensional setting.
Floer died in 1991 at the age of 34. The mathematicians were looking for ways to expand their ideas.
A new theory is benchmarked.
After almost five years of work, the vision has been realized. The Floer version of Morava K-theory is the one they use to prove the Arnold theory.
Keating said there is a sense in which this completes a circle for us which ties back to Floer's original work.