The main US climate agency said on Friday that the concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in May were 50 percent higher than during the pre-industrial era.

The new high is due to global warming caused by humans, particularly through the production of electricity using fossil fuels, transport, the production of cement, or even deforestation.

The highest carbon dioxide levels occur in May.

A unit of measurement used to quantify pollution in the atmosphere was crossed in May.

The rate was 417 parts per million in 2020.

The observatory located high on a volcano in Hawaii allows it to escape the effects of local pollution.

(NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory, Scripps Institute of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego)

The level of CO 2 in the atmosphere was at a constant level for 6,000 years before industrialization.

The agency said that the level is close to what it was between 4.1 and 4.5 million years ago.

Sea levels were high enough to submerge many of the major cities at that time. According to studies, there were large forests in the northern part of the world.

Global warming is caused by CO 2 trapping heat. It is in the atmosphere and oceans for a long time.

The multiplication of heat waves is one of the consequences of its warming effect.

According to a scientist with the Global Monitoring Laboratory, carbon dioxide is at levels our species has never experienced before.

We have known about this for over 50 years and have failed to do anything about it. What is it that we need to wake up?

Agence France- Presse.