The ‘90s sitcom "Friends" is an example of a show that falls short, according to Daniel Dae Kim.
He said that it was challenged when it came to diversity.
As AAPI Heritage Month came to a close, the actor talked to the magazine about his advocacy work. He recalled how he and his wife pointed out instances of representation to their children when they were watching television.
Whenever there was an Asian face on the screen, my wife and I always pointed it out to my children. You would notice it when you didn't see it.
"My emotions haven't figured themselves out yet."
He and his wife pointed out that shows with an "awfully homogenous cast" were one of the things.
My kids loved watching 'Friends' because they would say to me, 'Hey, how come in their New York everyone is white?'' Kim made a statement. I would say thank you for thinking about that. It's true.
The show featured an all-white ensemble cast of six actors, with few actors of color in it.
NextShark said that her number was the same as it was two decades ago.
Kim pointed out that Asians were more likely to identify with non-Asians.
They would be able to say, 'Oh yeah, that's me,' if they saw someone likeJeniston or any of the cast of 'Friends'. Unless the character of the person was of the same race, other people of other races wouldn't be able to do that. It was interesting that we looked outside of ourselves because we didn't have others to look towards. There is a very interesting dynamic in the collective mind of Asian Americans.
The only Asian character in the show was Julie, played by Lauren Tom.
There were questions over Henry Golding casting because of roles.
The show's lack of diversity has been addressed by cast and crew members in the past. David Schwimmer proposed an all-black "Friends" or an all-Asian "Friends" in 2020, while co- creator Marta Kauffman said she didn't do enough.
Kim has spoken out about racial issues in the past. In an interview last year, he talked about the pay disparity between him and his white co-stars that eventually led to him leaving the show.
He thinks we should talk about the good and the bad. We probably hired more Asian American actors than any other show over the same period.
The NextShark has more on the call for an official UK apology to Chinese seamen.
Kim was one of the people who sat in the organization's Hall of Fame after attending the first-ever Gala for Gold House.
There is a feature image of people and friends.