What appears to be classified military information has been posted on the forum of a video game.

What is his motivation? It's not international espionage but to get developers to change the game's tanks' statistics.

It is the third time that this has happened. The UK's Ministry of Defense was forced to intervene last year after a different player posted the manual of a UK military tank to a forum. A different player posted a picture of a tank.

Take Down

A photo of a round fired by Chinese tanks was included in a post by the Chinese player. There is a real-life version of the round on top of the schematic.

We don't have to tell you that posting military secrets on a video game forum is not a good idea because the military might want to have a word with you.

The image is making the rounds on social media after the forum post was taken down.

The information on this particular shell is still classified in China and the community managers banned the user and deleted his post. "Publishing classified information on any vehicle of any nation is clearly prohibited, and the game developers never use it in their work."

You have it, so there you have it. If you don't like a video game's depiction of warfare, maybe just let it go and not leak classified information.

Another guy has leaked classified military documents on the same tank game's forums.

There is more on classified information.