What are the types of stars in other universes? It's difficult to pin down because it's difficult to estimate stellar populations in remote galaxies.
Astronomers have discovered that distant galaxies tend to have more stars.
Astronomers don't have a complete census of all the stars in the Milky Way, but they have enough samples to get a good handle on the population.
How many dwarf stars there are, how many Sun-like ones there are, and how many giant ones there are are all known to us.
It's hard to repeat this exercise for other galaxies. It's too far away to identify and measure individual stars.
We can't guess the populations of smaller stars because we only see the brighter ones.
Astronomers assume that the demographic of a distant galaxy is roughly the same as the one we see in the Milky Way.
A team of astronomer used the COSMOS catalog to study 140,000 individual galaxies and develop techniques to estimate the population of stars.
The Cosmic Dawn Center is an international basic research center for astronomy. There is a collaboration between the University of Copenhagen and DTU Space.
We've known for a long time that expecting other galaxies to look like ours was not a good idea. Associate Professor Charles Steinhardt, a co-author of the study, said that the study may open the door for a deeper understanding of the evolution of the universe.
The team found that larger stars were found in more distant galaxies. On the other hand, our own were very similar.
Astronomers use the mass of stars as a guide. The number of black holes that arise out of massive stars can be changed by changing mass. Albert Sneppen, the first author of the study, said that the result means that we'll have to revise many of the things we thought we knew.
There are several important ramifications of this work.
Astronomers can't assume a uniform population of stars when looking at distant galaxies because they are the youngest. It forces us to think about how we got to this point.
"Now that we are able to see the mass of stars, we can see a new pattern, where the less massive galaxies continue to form stars, while the more massive galaxies stop birthing new stars." This suggests a universal trend in the death of the universe.
This article was published in the past. The original article is worth a read.