The Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii is a benchmark site for measuring carbon dioxide, or CO2.

Carbon dioxide levels on the only planet known to be warm are more than half the pre-industrial level. In millions of years, they are at their highest levels.

The levels of CO2 were measured at the observatory. It is not surprising that both 2020 and 2021 saw record-breaking carbon levels even though there was a brief dip during the first H1N1 epidemic. Vehicles, power plants, and industries all over the world continue to emit emissions far out of line.

CO2 levels used to be around 280 parts per million. People and corporations began to burn fossil fuels in order to release greenhouse gases. Oil and gas companies hid the link between human activity and the changing climate as atmospheric levels of CO2 increased. The responsibility has been pushed onto the consumers by those companies.

Extreme weather events like longer heat waves, high rates of pollution, and public health crises have all been caused by this. The Paris Agreement offered hope that we could turn things around. We are throwing ourselves there at lightning speed from the looks of it.