Apple will give us a preview of what the next versions ofiOS, MacOS, watchOS, and tvOS will bring at its annual developer conference. The same system is often compared to a walled garden, with attractive plants that make for a pleasing entry, but also a difficult and frustrating exit. Some people are looking in over the wall.

Why do other people want to copy Apple's sticky system?

Boxes for an Apple Watch, iPhones, and Airpods sit on a desk.
Saad Chaudhry/Unsplash

People are closely connected to Apple's products. People who own one Apple product are more likely to purchase more. This obsession is caused by the harmony with which products work. The perception that Apple products are great at what they are supposed to do contributes to Apple's success.

It isn't because of the devices alone that Apple's ecosystems thrive. Since Steve Jobs returned to the company, Apple has kept its operating systems and applications exclusive to Apple devices. While Apple owners get to brag in front of others, they also have to stay inside the confines of the garden.

Apple has always wanted to keep you out of the other things. The transition from a familiar software tool to another can cause headaches in today's setting. Apple keeps its garden walls high, and by maintaining superior hardware quality and compelling people to purchase subscription to its services, scaling the walls becomes a Herculean task. It's not always an obvious lock-in, it's the way many features "just work" together that's equally effective.

Handoff, AirDrop and Sidecar are some of the tools that allow seamless integration of your Mac and iPad. Messages from outside the Apple system are displayed in green while those from Apple devices are shown in blue. The system was called discrimination towards non- Apple users.

Apple has strict control over how you install apps. Security concerns are the reason Apple doesn't sideload apps on the iPad.

Every company wants an ecosystem

The Samsung Odyssey Neo G8 is now open for reservations ahead of its June 6 availability.

A lot of consumer technology brands think that they can have the same success as Apple, despite its negative reputation. The goal is to have more consumers tied to your products, more products and services you sell, and more money to be made.

To succeed, these companies build products for every use case in order to lock consumers into an ecosystems. Competitors in the same categories as Apple, from phones, tablets, and laptops, to audio products, TVs, and even smart home products, can be found in the same brands as well. They are designed to work with each other to improve the consumer experience.

Every phone from these brands comes with a unique set of proprietary system apps, such as clock, camera, filemanager, gallery, along with cloud services for music, storage, and more. In addition to providing a modicum of identity, all of these are designed to keep you coming back in the future.

Apple products don’t have multiple identities

An Apple Watch, iPhone and Macbook Pro sit on a desk.  

Sometimes there is a lack of distinction between these products and Apple sidesteps it. Apple designates roles for its products so it doesn't try to take over another's role. An iPad does not try to be an Apple device, nor does it attempt to be one. The Apple Watch is meant to complement the utility of the iPhone.

The opposite approach is used by Apple's rivals. They have many variations of the same product that crowd almost every division or segment. The sheer number of options makes it more likely for a consumer to buy a product. Poor coordination between products is still a problem for consumers.

Unlike Apple, which uses proprietary operating systems and platforms, major consumer electronics use general operating systems. Every Wear OS manufacturer builds a custom interface to set itself apart from other competitors and add unique features that only benefit the same brand.

There is no standard protocol when you buy any accessory for your phone. It is possible for brands to limit exclusive features on their own devices. If you want to use a fitness band, you have to use it on your own phones, tablets, and laptops; if you want to use an earphone, you have to use it on your own phones, tablets, and laptops; and if you want to use a wristwatch, you have

There is only one manufacturer that has set up a kind ofecosystem like Apple. In response to sanctions against it, the company quickly scaled up its own alternative operating system, called HarmonyOS, to the mobile operating system of its choice. HarmonyOS runs on many smart home devices, as well as cars.

Why is the Apple ecosystem irresistible? 

Why is the system so good? Few other brands can boast of Apple's loyalty. According to analyst Neil Cybart, Apple is a design company that sells tools that can improve people's lives.

Consumers willingly pay for experiences that it creates. The Grand Unified Theory of Apple Products talks about how Apple products perform similar functions despite their differences just with an experience tailored to the person using the device. Jobs previously handled by more powerful siblings can be taken on by newer Apple products.

Most people can't go back to a life without it because of a synergy.

Think of how the iMac or Mac Studio is designed to serve you during the most demanding tasks at home or the office, the MacBook can repeat those tasks with the added convenience of mobility

The counterparts from Apple have a more consistent and logical approach while the tight-knit software interface is what motivates people to reward Apple with loyalty. Most people, including myself, can't go back to a life without the experience. It is no wonder that other companies want to follow its example.

We can expect Apple to make more announcements at the conference. Stay up to date with the latest updates during the event.

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