A line that has begun, similar to the one you saw on TV screens while watching the news or the weather forecast, may also be on the computer screens in your company. Only the information in it will be the one that concerns the workflow: important news, protection, congratulations, etc. In fact, the desktop ticker is another use of corporate communications, the substitute for mail, phone calls and instant messengers all at the same time.
The strip of text on the screen is initially presented as a short informative title. To find out more, scroll through the text. Hyperlinks to additional sources can be included in the message. Thus, an employee or partner has the opportunity to quickly get acquainted with the essence of the notification, and if necessary, scroll through the entire message or follow the link to find out more. In any case, you control three things at once: what to send, to whom to send, and who has already read the notification.
The application toolkit for sending reminders using the ticker is quite simple to set up and manage. Its interface is as simple as possible, and you can easily understand all the tools available to users.
Competent and well-established communication within the company allows the team to process customer requests faster, quickly cope with work tasks, effectively plan current and future affairs, and promptly respond to any news both inside the company and coming from outside.
In addition, high-quality communication helps to create a friendly working atmosphere, where each employee is able to demonstrate their maximum competencies and stay motivated. Such teams, compared to those who work separately and separately, achieve great results in a short period of time. That's why useful and important desktop ticker notifications are a great idea.
Through this communication channel, you can send company or industry news mailing lists, provide up-to-date information about the work of departments or systems, remind you of important plans, meetings, work schedule changes, etc. You can also use the mailing list as an emergency communication channel, warning partners or suppliers about possible failures or postponement of dates.
And most importantly: you will be 100% sure that your message will not go unnoticed. Your addressee is guaranteed to see a reminder without being distracted from other important matters.
This takes business communication to a whole new level and allows you to use the tool creatively to achieve your goals. Stay connected with partners and employees, even when you have to work remotely. And for a closer acquaintance with the functionality and capabilities of the tool, use the free demo mode.