Neuroscience/Brain Science

You are not alone if you look at this image down below and feel like you are being swallowed by a black hole. The paper states that 86 percent of people are likely to experience the same sensation.

Most optical illusions trick us into believing that a static image is changing when it isn't. The piece of brain chaos is unique because it causes viewers to see that they are not the ones in the picture.

Top Pupil

The researchers presented 50 research subjects with different variations of the illusion in order to figure out what was happening.

They found that most subjects act like built-in dimmer switches when it comes to the light in the environment. The images featuring the black holes were shown to cause unconscious dilation, which is what people experience when they walk into a tunnel or plunge into a chasm.

Even though the participants weren't actually walking or falling into something, their brains reacted as such.

Is it possible to move towards the light. The report stated that when viewing an image with a white or colored hole, most of the people's pupils did not dilate.

There are optical illusions that show that perception is not always reality. Future studies on how humans make sense of the world will hopefully be supported by the brain-duping conclusions found here.

It's just a trick. The void is not cascading into it. It's probably a possibility.

A photo shows a huge tanker hovering over the sea.