The new date is Jun 2, 2022.
A patient of one of the doctors killed in the attack was the man who blamed the doctor for his back pain, according to police.
Police respond to the scene of a mass shooting at a hospital. The photo was taken by J Pat Carter.
According to the police chief, the suspect, Michael Louis, had surgery on his back on May 19 and had called the doctor multiple times after the procedure complaining of pain.
Franklin said investigators found a letter on the body of the suspect that said he intended to kill anyone who got in his way.
On the day of the shooting, Louis bought a semi-automatic rifle from a local gun store.
The Natalie Building of the St. Francis Hospital complex was the scene of a shooting.
The man died of a gunshot wound around 4:58 p.m. as officers began clearing the building.
Doctor Husen, receptionist Green, and patient Love were killed in the shooting.
Just over two weeks after an 18-year-old man walked into a supermarket in Buffalo, NY, and killed 10 people in what authorities have called a racist attack, another man killed 19 students and two teachers at an elementary school in Connecticut.
A gun was found at a hospital the day after a shooting.
Four people were killed in a hospital shooting.