Just shut up already, Josh.

Josh Donaldson whines about facing the consequences as small as they were. The entire country has been bombed due to the inability of white men to do anything other than wallow in their mud. They were able to bully freely once the playground was no longer a playground. There is a lot to look at regarding yesterday's big story and the trial of Depp and Heard.

Donaldson had a whole other team, a national news story, and his own teammates tell him that he was a racist asshole to Tim Anderson, and yet instead of thinking about what he said, he lashed out. Which Donaldson thinks is the bigger crime, what he did or what his teammates didn't do?

Before Donaldson showed up at spring training, he had to have a face-to-face meeting with Cole, who had previously hated Donaldson's guts. The Twins don't seem to miss him this year because Donaldson has been a known dickhead everywhere he's gone.

Even though Donaldson got off way too lightly for his grossness toward Anderson, he is still the aggrieved party because he feels the world and everything in it is entitled to him. He wondered why Judge didn't have his back as if that was a mystery to be solved.

Donaldson still blames Anderson for making a big deal out of it, wondering why he can't say what he wants because he thinks it's funny or cute. He is not the only one who gets pandered to by the likes of Fox News and Barf Stool. As soon as Donaldson retires, you can bet he will get a radio show where he can say whatever he wants and have like-minded people talk about how he keeps it real.

Donaldson might see a few pitches that land in his ears. I assume they don't come from Cole.

Say it ain’t, Soto

The Nationals GM was forced to deny a rumor that the Nats were going to trade Juan Soto. The Nats never intended to trade Soto. They didn't take a phone call. They didn't make a single one. Because they were bored, enough people said the words "trade" and "Soto" in articles to make it a whole thing.

People think a rumor is a rumor when a writer adds two and two and gets "spork" There is something like this. This or this is the case. There was a green shit that dribbled out onto the floor. There isn't a report that the Nats are shopping. Other executives said that if they can't sign him, they might have to deal him one day. The Nationals have two and a half years to try and sign him or figure out their direction. It was a rumor after Olney talked to an executive friend about the room temperature chocolate milk they drink. Even though it is not real, every site has to imagine what it would be. It isn't something. The thing is not happening.

This is what life is like now. Everyone has to inhale when a poof of horses hits the air.