Val Kilmer reprises his role as Tom "Iceman" Kazansky in the sequel.

There's only one problem. The man can't speak because of throat cancer.

The filmmakers were able to get his voice in the movie even though they used advanced artificial intelligence, by using a company called Sonantic.

The younger Kilmer said that they were able to make him sound like himself. Being able to engineer his voice that way is an extension of the film's technical feat.

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We've heard about his relationship with Sonantic for a while. A year ago, the actor opened up about how he'd worked with the firm to train a digital version of his voice that captured as much of his signature style of speaking as possible.

"People around me can't understand me when I'm talking," he said. I still think I'm the same person. The same creative soul is still alive and well.

"I am grateful to the entire team at Sonantic who masterfully restored my voice in a way I have never imagined possible," he said.

He said that the effects of throat cancer made it difficult for others to understand him. It's an incredibly special gift to be able to tell my story in a way that feels familiar.