A marginal member of the Republican party, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, has been calling for the end of Pride Month, which is anti-gay.
The press conference was held in front of the Capitol.
The first day of Pride is dedicated to military members who have died serving the country.
She said that an entire Pride Month celebrating identity and millions of spending from corporations and the government needs to end.
When asked if she was calling for the end of Pride Month entirely, or if she was calling for it to be shortened, her communications director said that her statement was self-explanatory.
During a segment on her streaming broadcast that airs on her social media accounts, she claimed that straight people face extinction within 150 years.
She followed the same misinformation used by Gosar that the Uvalde shooter was a woman.
Many Republicans are concerned that the party has drifted into anti-LGBTQ territory because of the flurry of legislation on gender and sex education issue in statehouses across the country.
In about four or five generations, no one will be straight.
Last year, he co-sponsored legislation that would have banned the flying of Pride flags at the U.S. embassies. The bill was virtually no chance of passing. She said that the federal government should only fly the flag that represents all people.
A group of Georgia voted to have her removed from the ballot after shevoluntarily aided and engaged in an insurrection in the days between being sworn into Congress. A judge recommended that she should not be disqualified from the ballot for being an insurrectionist, but the decision was upheld by Georgia. The elections will be held in November.
Marjorie Taylor Greene may have said "Peach Tree Dish" instead of "pitiful dish". (Forbes)
Marjorie Taylor Greene is going to remain on the ballot.