Even before the jury's verdict, millions ofAquaman fans have decided they want her cut from the sequel, and they are signing a petition in near-record numbers.

The petition has more than four million signatures, which would make it one of the most signed petitions in the history of Change.org.

The document claims that she will not be on screen in the sequel due to her domestic abuse allegations.

It was reported that Heard's character, Mera, only has about 10 minutes of screen time in "Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom", but it looks like 4.2 million people think that is too little.

The petition on Change.org doesn't carry any weight, but studios might pay attention to the backlash when it comes to future casting decisions.

The jury in the case of Heard asked the judge for guidance on how to handle Johnny's defamation claims, in particular, the headline of his Washington Post op-ed.

The Fairfax County Courthouse in Virginia has Deliberations going on.