Janell Tryon holding up a sign advocating for student debt cancellation
Tryon is a member of Debt Collective, a group of student loan activists that recently wiped out $1.7 million in student debt for nearly 500 HBCU students.Janell Tryon
  • Janell Tryon has student debt.

  • 13 years of payments yielded $100,000 from interest.

  • She says that paying off her debt was not feasible because of accruing interest on her loans.

Janell Tryon has $250,000 in student debt.

She only took out $150,000 of it, which included $100,000 for an undergrad degree at New York University and $50,000 for a masters degree in public health.

The rest is not important.

She told Insider that she had to pay a certain amount every month and not default. I didn't feel like I could handle it.

Tryon has been making payments on her loans since she graduated from NYU 13 years ago. She made $23,000 a year as a manager at a bookstore cafe and was paying $700 a month on her loans, the same amount as her rent. She spent five years researching addiction and homelessness in San Francisco and New York City. She is a full-time PhD student at the University of Massachusetts.

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Half of Americans have credit-card debt. Hidden fees and reward programs can make customers spend more than they should. Airline miles, points, and other benefits are offered by credit cards. Those points are not worth it if you are spending more to get credit card rewards.

The principal amount of the loan was not the focus of her monthly payments. The loan must be paid off in a month, as the loan just keeps collecting more interest.

A NerdWallet analysis shows that 45 million Americans have student-loan debt, which is one in eight. According to a study, those between the ages of 25 and 34 are the most likely to have student-loan debt.

The borrowers who owe the federal government haven't been required to make student-loan payments and haven't been charged new interest since March 2020. The Washington Post reported this week that Biden is going to cancel $10,000 for people who make under $150,000 per year.

A lot of these students are coming from families that didn't know how to navigate student debt, Tryon told Insider.

'It's a really insidious process'

Many Americans owe a mix of private and federal debt.

Aidvantage took over her portfolio of federal loans. All of Tryon's loans have a range of interest rates from 4.5% to 11.5%.

The company settled a lawsuit that claimed it pushed student-loan borrowers into more debt instead of helping them establish affordable repayment plans. There were no claims of wrongdoing in the agreement, but the company agreed to cancel student loan debt for 66,000 borrowers out of $73 billion in student loans it services.

Tryon's debt was not eligible. To be eligible, borrowers must have had at least seven months of delinquent payments.

Tryon said the settlement was a major distraction from the people still stuck with debt.

She thought going to college would allow her to keep up with her debt.

She said that she went into forbearance after years of trying to negotiate a payment plan, which meant that she paused payments on her initial loan while only paying interest. A borrower ends up paying more in the long run with this setup.

She said that it was never about how much can we make this person pay that is reasonable for what she makes.

In a statement, the Pennsylvania Attorney General said that the company engaged in deceptive and abusive practices, targeted students who it knew would struggle to pay loans back, and placed an unfair burden on people trying to repay their loans.

According to Mark, the most serious allegation in the lawsuit is that Navient distributed loans that would trap borrowers in a cycle of debt in order to profit off.

He said that loans that were made knowing that the majority of borrowers would be unable to repay the debt were distributed by Sallie Mae.

Insider was told that they offer several different options for borrowers looking to pay down their loans.

The company's decision to resolve these matters, which were based on unfounded claims, allows us to avoid the additional burden, expense, time and distraction that would have arisen in court. Hundreds of thousands of borrowers we support successfully pay off their student loans every year, and we have driven up income-driven repayment plan enrollment and driven down default rates.

Tryon says that her debt has held her back from planning for the future. She said that since joining Debt Collective she has met others like her who feel misled by schools.

She said it took her years to learn how she was manipulated.

Tryon said that a college degree can represent financial mobility for people who grew up in low-income households, but debt debilitates them for years.

She said that if we are in this debt, we are so much worse off than our parents.

The original article is on Business Insider.