The origin story of all of these names is deep in history.
Earth's original name is lost to history like many other names of solar system objects. There are a few clues provided by linguistics. Ertha is an approximate spelling for "the ground" in Anglo-Saxon, one of the many descendant languages to English.
The term "Anglo-Saxon" refers to a group of people who lived in England and Wales after the collapse of the Roman Empire.
Scientists say that the identities of people were complex and that they had different associations depending on their family's history. Like the other names, Ertha must be understood in this context.
" Ertha means the ground on which you walk, the ground in which you sow your crops, and I am known as The Muddy Archaeologist."
It is possible that Ertha links to a place in which life emerges and even the ancestors who are buried in the ground. Sometimes the name can have a different meaning depending on the culture.
Latin is where modern popular terms for Earth come from. The land on which you are standing, farming or interacting with is called Terra. That is where we get the modern-day English words terrestrial, sub terranean, and so forth.
The ancient Romans and the Greek Eratosthenes knew that Earth was a globe.
It was a globe of lands, and orbis is the root word of the modern-dayorbit.
The world is everything that humans are, but it was not the same as the planets. The modern-day French term monde (world), the Italian mondo, the Spanish mundo, and the Portuguese mundo are some of theRomance language's ancestors of Latin.
The Elder, who wrote a large set of volumes on natural history in the first century, used mundus quite a bit in his observations. We get a lot of terminology used to name planets through the International Astronomical Union, although each culture has its own traditions and monikers.
The Babylonians had a tradition of planet naming that dates back as far as the Romans. The king of Babylonia, Hammurabi, is closely associated with a law code created under his rule.
The Achaemenid Empire took over the region in 539 B.C. after Babylonians persisted from about A.D. 1900 through about A.D. 1900. The Greeks and Persians shared a lot of knowledge, but the Persians became the great enemy of the Greeks. The Greeks incorporated some of the gods from Persia.
The Romans integrated traditions from the regions they touched into their own pantheon of gods. This allowed for a goddess of love from Ishtar to become Aphrodite under the Greeks and Venus under the Romans. Historians say that Roman gods and goddesses had attributes based on their location and other factors, and the same is likely true of other traditions they integrated.
The Greek term for planets iswandering ones or wanderers, according to the National Air and Space Museum. The Romans named the planets after how they appeared to the naked eye in the sky. These names are not always universal.
The god Apollo was associated with the sun and so he was sometimes called Mercury. Mercury was a messenger of the gods and associated with travelers.
The planet named after Venus, which has associations with the goddess of love, was sometimes referred to as the light-bringer. This was the name the planet might take when it starts to rise in the morning. The Romans believed Venus rises in the morning or the evening, but the name could change depending on the attributes on display.
Mars is burning with fire, as he and other Romans of the day were following Ptolemy's model that put Earth at the center of the universe.
The king of the gods was associated with Jupiter, and the father of Jupiter was also associated with the king of the gods.
In the early telescopic age, the people who named Uranus, Neptune and Pluto tried to be like the Romans in their associations. This practice was not universal. According to NASA, William Herschel, a German-born British astronomer, sought a way to thank his financial backer when he discovered Uranus.
It was originally published on Live Science.