The Royal Albert Hall in England has been played by both The Beatles and Johnny Depp. Johnny hit the stage for the second night in a row with Jeff Beck, as he waits for a verdict in his defamation lawsuit against Heard. Beck and Johnny have been friends for a long time. Beck introduced his bud and said that they haven't stopped laughing since he knocked on the door five years ago. They sang the same songs together the night before. John Lennon's "Isolation", Jimi Hendrix's "Little Wing", Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On", and The Beatles' "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" are some of the best. There were several standing O's. It is almost certain that Johnny will return to the U.S., where a jury in Virginia will decide who wins and who loses. If Johnny and/or Amber will have a career in the aftermath, the implications are huge.