Austin, Texas, and Miami, Florida, have been chosen as the locations for the launch of fully self-driving cars.

Austin and Miami are two of the first cities in the world to use fully driverless car technology.

In addition to Pittsburgh, Washington, D.C., Detroit, and Palo Alto, the company is also testing its platform in two German cities. The firm implements self-driving tech into Ford and Volkswagen vehicles.

It isn't clear how many people regularly use services that involve the company's vehicles, but the firm says it has an eventual goal to reach over 15 million customers.

The CEO and founder of the company said that they set out to tackle the hardest miles to drive in multiple cities.

In Austin and Miami, the company will offer fully self-driving cars as part of its partnerships with ride-sharing services.

The year 2022, has become the year that several companies bring their technology to major American cities. Similar strides have been made by the rival company, which leads the field in ride-sharing services.

In March this year, it was announced that it had a fleet of fully self-driving cars ready for use in downtown Phoenix, Arizona for customers in its early rider program, and in San Francisco, California for its employees. Parts of the Phoenix suburbs have been able to use Waymo's taxi services for several years.

Cruise opened its fleet of fully self-drive vehicles to the public in San Francisco in February.

There has been a lot of scrutiny on self-driving cars. The National Transportation Safety Board found that the self-driving car that hit and killed a pedestrian in Arizona was partly responsible for the death. It was later shut down completely.

The safety certifier worked with the company to assess its technology. Texas law requires video recording cameras to be installed in cars, and manufacturers can be held responsible for accidents.