Alycia Debnam-Carey was in the final episode of the godforsaken show.
I'm not sure how they've done it, but the writers and producers of Fear The Walking Dead make each episode worse than the previous one.
You would hope that the final episode for the longest-running character on the show would be epic, moving, emotionally poignant or at least riveting and shocking, but it isn't. It's a sequence of dream scenes in which a woman follows her inner child and then abandons her friends for fear.
After a nap in the hot sun, she cured and went back to the ruins of the tower. Staying with your friends and loved ones is not something you want to do. Not helping the people you care about. Go, by yourself, as a young woman in the apocalypse to help strangers. Helping strangers find a safe place to go.
To make up for the bad things you've done.
There is no need to recap this episode. It is a bunch of nonsense strung together with urine-colored filters and bad dialogue from start to finish. She passes out, has a vision, wakes up, and convinces people that it's real so they come with her, then she talks them back to the rafts. They could have just ignored the tower and made their way to safety.
We had to waste an entire season fighting over an office building so that we could get a fake scene between the two main characters. Terrible writing. Terrible planning too. It beggars belief that professional writers could come up with a convoluted and half-baked plot. It is an amateur hour on Fear The Walking Dead. AMC is completely undeterred by the massive fan backlash and is roasting this column week after week.
Daniel's dementia was cured by the power of his love for Charlie. Maybe she will find a way to get pregnant so her baby can take the radiation from her body like Grace did and she will survive too!
Alycia Debnam-Carey is the character of Clark.
I see no room in my schedule for any more of this nonsense, even if it is okay. I will review the final episode of the sad dead show out of a sense of obligation to my readers. I will watch the Season 8 premiere and decide if it's worth writing about, but Season 7 may be all I can take. It's not just a chore, it's torture now. It's very tiring. I can't believe that Alycia Debnam-Carey's last episode is one episode before Kim Dickens returns. Madison will return the next episode afterAlicia walks off into the sunset.
You couldn't even muster the desire to kill her off? Remember when he died? He went out like a hero. He sacrificed himself. Not so that some strangers somewhere could find a safe place to live, but so that his family could survive, even if it was just for a moment.
Alycia Debnam-Carey is an actor. I hope she goes places because she is beautiful and talented. She has the acting chops. She can hold her own even though she hasn't seen a good Fear script since Season 3. It's amazing what she can do with these lines. Many of the actors on this show have that in common. They should all do bigger, better things.
The good news? That isn't a very high bar to cross.
One more to go. There is one more to go. In Season 8, our heroes will fight over Circle-K, the last safe place in Georgia, which has been invaded by aliens who can only be defeated by throwing beer bottles at them because they are week to beer.
He's done with the bad things.
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I'm late to this review because I've been watching Stranger Things, but I'm not sorry. I'm not sorry. I don't feel anything.