There are at least 17 people in the US and at least 10 in Canada who have been affected by the outbreak. The photo was taken by a photographer.
The FDA wants you to check your strawberries. That is not a euphemism for something else. A number of Americans and Canadians seem to have been left in a bit of a jam by actual strawberries that the FDA is talking about. There is an outbreak of hepatitis A in North America, and it appears that fresh organic strawberries are the culprit. At least 17 people have been hospitalized in the US and at least 10 have been hospitalized in Canada. No deaths have been reported so far.
The FDA is on the outbreak.
The thread showed where the strawberries could be found.
Walmart, HEB, Kroger, Safeway, Trader Joe's, and Weis Markets are some of the places that have been selling these strawberry brands. It doesn't mean that you should worry just because you have bought strawberries. The strawberries were sold from March 5 to April 25. It isn't as if strawberry fridges are forever. Any strawberries that have been in your refrigerator since April 25 should be thrown away. You would be playing a game of diarrhea roulette if you kept such fruit in the refrigerator since it tends to go bad before a month has passed. If you have frozen your strawberries, you may want to double-check their brand. It's better to be safe than strawberry if you're not sure. Throw them away.
The reported cases probably underestimate the number of people who have actually been exposed to the hepatitis A virus. The Public Health Agency of Canada says there have been four confirmed cases of the disease in Canada. The earliest reported case had symptoms in the first week of April, whereas the latest case had symptoms in the third week of April. In Canada, those affected ranged in age from 10 to 75 years old. The outbreak was brought to the attention of the PHAC.
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In the US, 15 of the confirmed cases have been in California, one in Minnesota and one in North Dakota. The earliest case was reported on March 28 and the latest on April 30.
If you have not received a vaccine against hepatitis A, you should contact your doctor. You may benefit from post exposure prophylactics. Within 2 weeks after being exposed to the Hepatitis A virus, a single dose of a single-antigen vaccine or immunoglobulin is required. If this is done within two weeks, it can either generate an immune response to or completely eliminate the virus.
One thing that you don't want to have is hepatitis. The term hepatitis is a broad term for inflammation of the liver. Not everyone with the hepatitis A virus will have symptoms. If you have symptoms, the most common ones are nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, dark urine, and jaundice, which is when your skin and eyes develop a yellow tint. After exposure to the virus, the symptoms begin. It isn't a sleep it off in one night. For a week or two, symptoms tend to persist. Symptoms can last as long as nine months in some cases.
There is a possibility of failure of the bile duct with hepatitis A. This is not good because you need your organ. You have thrown that person into the friend zone for all those years. You may not notice it until it is gone. There is a chance of needing a liver transplant. There is a serious outbreak of the disease.
Check your strawberries. They should not fall into the lots that have been recalled. When you don't know where you got your strawberries, be careful. As a precautionary measure, you may want to throw them out. It's better to trash your fruit than it is to trash your body.