The vote on unionization for Apple Store employees at Cumberland Mall in Atlanta was supposed to take place next week, but the Communications Workers of America decided to withdraw the vote less than a week before it was due. The union invested a lot in organizing tech workers and decided to hold back because of Apple's repeated violations of the National Labor Relations Act.

Tensions between Apple and its retail staff have been growing. After Cumberland went public with its intentions, it was reported that Apple had retained the same law firm that is engaged in a wave of store unionizations. The firm's website states that they excel in union avoidance. Shortly after, Apple corporate began circulating anti-union talking points to managers and Atlanta workers. An audio leak of an Apple VP, Deirdre O Brien, who said that a union was a poor fit for the company. It was sent to all of Apple's retail staffers.

CWA stated that Apple's actions have made a free and fair election impossible.

Cumberland staffers decided to organize because of simple economics. According to one of the store's workers, stagnant wages have failed to keep pace with either national inflation or local increases to cost of living. Apple has been one of the few companies to thrive during the Pandemic.

Apple has stated that it will increase pay to a starting wage of $22 per hour in an effort to stave off unrest among retail staff. The pay increase was reported several hours after the leak of the union-avoidance audio.

The CWA will have to wait at least six months to refile, but the withdrawal doesn't preclude them from trying again.