She went and picked up food and drinks for the people who were giving blood. It was for our workers. It was for anyone that wanted to eat lunch.

The director was asked to meet her outside the center after the security team did a sweep. She had her mask on. She kept it on all the time. There were no cameras.

The kitchen was where she was introduced as a volunteer.

There was no look! It's not anything. And she introduced herself as a woman.

She started giving out sandwiches to the people.

She said that she didn't tell her husband.

A number of volunteers at the center had conversations with her, but they didn't know who she was until after she left. She said that after the news spread, she was approached by people at the center who chided her for not revealing the identity of the person she was with.

One of the nurses came over to me and said that they didn't know who was here. The head of the volunteer crew said that I stood there and talked to her for 10 minutes. I had no idea what they wanted. They didn't want you to know that she was here.