Ron Howard and George Lucas used to try and duplicate the success of Star Wars by creating a whole new fantasy called Willow. The film came out in 1988, and while I have a lot of fond memories of the movie, I am a rarity. Plans for a sequel were put on hold after the film did well at the box office.

We're getting an entire series dedicated to Warwick Davis. No longer a wizard in training, Willow now has a staff and can apparently do magic beyond poorly turning people into a wide variety of animals. The trailer for the new show has a few returning characters, including Sorsha and at least one of the brownies from the film.

The rest of the cast of the new show were probably dead when the film was released, but they have a lot to do. There is a lot of magic, sword fighting, smooches, and wild hair in the trailer. The show is on Disney Plus. It is a bait meant to lure us in. At least it worked with this trailer.