The search for the world's first Turkish astronaut has begun, and one of the country's most eccentric minor celebrities has thrown his hat into the ring.

The Middle East Monitor reports that Sadik Kocadalli was referred to as Turkey's first astronaut when a video of him flying through the air during a storm went viral.

Balkan Yeet Box

Kocadalli is one of tens of thousands of people vying to become the first Turkish person in space.

Kocadalli told the Ihsan News Agency that the president was looking for a Turkish to go to the International Space Station. I want to go to space as well.

In the same interview, the umbrella man acknowledged that he may not meet all of the criteria for space travel, and also received the endorsement of his friend, vegetable seller Mehmet Sabap.

"I support my friend, let him go to space," he said.

This man should be sent to space asap.

A man who flew on an umbrella has an ambition to become a astronauts.

There is a moon-shaped ice crystal on the space station.