Fans are hoping that Kate Moss and Johnny Depp will get back together. Although it is just chatter, people are calling for a petition to get Johnny and Kate back together. When she testified about the incident where she swung at Johnny, she said he was about to attack her sister Whitney on the staircase. She heard that Johnny pushed Kate Moss down the stairs when they were dating, so she was afraid he would push Whitney down the stairs. Kate blew up that rumor when she testified via video that she did not fall down the stairs but was hit by the rain. She said that Johnny took her to the hospital after he ran to her and she screamed in pain. It was a great act on Johnny's part. While others observed Johnny light up during her testimony, people on the social networking site called Kate's testimony "true love". I hope after this is over, Johnny knows that Kate was the one to marry as a life partner. I hope he asks her out on a dinner date. You can call it nonsense, but in this case, anything is possible.