As he watched on television, Donald Trump remarked that his vice president should be hanged over his refusal to block the certification of Joe Biden.

The Times reported that the comment was relayed to colleagues by former Trump chief of staff MarkMeadows.

Three people familiar with the matter confirmed that Trump had expressed support for hanging his vice president.

The crowd of several thousand people at the rally were whipped up by Trump to show their support for him.

I hope you will stand up for the good of our country and our Constitution, and if you are not, I will be very disappointed in you.

The certification of the Electoral College vote showing that Trump had lost to Biden was already decided by Pence. The crowd who had watched Trump outside the White House march to the Capitol to disrupt the vote count was there to disrupt the count.

Mike Pence
Former Vice President Mike Pence. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)

Many of Trump's supporters chanted "Hang Mike Pence" and put a makeshift gallows in the building after Capitol Police broke windows and forced their way inside. The exact wording and tone he used remain unclear, as the Times noted, as he watched the chaos unfold.

While not directly denying that the former president made a comment about the vice president, Taylor Budowich, a spokesman for Trump, went after the committee.

This partisan committee's vague leaks, anonymous testimony, and willingness to alter evidence proves it's just an extension of the Democrat campaign that has been exposed time and time again.

A person for Mike Pence declined to speak to Yahoo News.

The Times reported that Cassidy Hutchinson confirmed to the committee that her boss had recounted Trump's remark about hanging Pence. A lawyer for Meadows told the Times that the story about what he said was not true.

In an interview with ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl last year, Trump was asked if he had worried about his vice president's safety during the riot.

Were you worried about him during that siege? Karl asked Trump if he was worried about his safety.

I had heard he was in good shape, and I thought he was protected. I don't think so.

That was terrible, because you heard those chants.

The people were very angry and he could have done something about it.

Karl said that they were saying to hang Mike Pence.

Jon, it's common sense that you're supposed to protect. If you know a vote is fraudulent, how can you vote for it in Congress?

When I interviewed Trump for "Betrayal" and asked him about his supporters chanting "Hang Mike Pence", he didn't condemn them, he defended them. Here's a clip from the interview. More audio from the genuinely shocking interview will air Sunday on @ThisWeekABC

— Jonathan Karl (@jonkarl) November 12, 2021

In a February speech to the Federalist Society, Pence denied that he could have stopped the Electoral College certification.

President Trump is wrong that he had no right to overturn the election. The presidency is held by the American people. There is no idea more un-American than the idea that a single person could choose the president.

The certification of the Electoral College vote was halted by the rioters as the U.S. Secret Service tried to remove Vice President-elect Mike Pence from the Capitol building.

The Secret Service agents were trying to get him out of the campus, but he said he was not going to get in the car until they counted. The president directed the coup against the Congress and the vice president.