She writes in her book that she told Trump the same thing.

In a parallel universe, many Trump supporters believed that the president would be able to stay in office or be returned to office. I think Trump was more shocked to lose in 2020 than he was to win.

I may have been the first person Donald Trump trusted in his inner circle who told him that he had come up short.

A book that is not an unbiased narrator is written by a woman who is not an impartial narrator. She gives a behind-the-scenes look at the Trump White House.

She was quick to point out that Trump's son-in-law was wrong to think that all power was not given to the federal government.

I may have been the first person Donald Trump trusted in his inner circle who told him that he had come up short this time.

Kellyanne Conway

She notes that she found allies in unexpected places. After the murder of George Floyd in the summer of 2020, she consulted with Van Jones and Donna Brazile.

Her book is full of sarcasm and barbs, especially when it comes to the press and the never-ending quest at the Trump White House to find internal leakers. Her family dramas spilled out into the public, like her husband George's spats with Trump, and her teen daughter's rebellion on TikTok.

She doesn't criticize Trump himself, but she does cop to regrets about steps taken around the Covid-19 epidemic. She proposed in the Oval Office that Trump deliver a message to the public with the former presidents.

Looking at Trump across the Resolute desk, I could picture all five presidents standing behind him.