The image shows the wall of an ancient Egyptian temple. Half of the wall has been cleaned to reveal that the Egyptian hieroglyphs are actually quite colorful.

This photo shows the cleaning on part of the temple in progress. After the cleaning is complete, the colors applied to it 2,200 years ago will be visible. (Image credit: Courtesy University of Tubingen)

Archaeologists have found depictions of goddesses from ancient Egypt, which were previously buried under layers of soot and bird poop. The ceiling of a temple was painted by artists nearly 2,200 years ago.

Esna is a city in southern Egypt that is south of Luxor. The god of fertility and water is dedicated to it.

Between the time of Ptolemy VI and the Roman emperor Decius, the temple was used for nearly 400 years. Leitz is a member of the Egyptian-German team that is documenting the temple.

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Ancient Egyptian temple ceiling decorated in colorful frescoes. The ceiling itself looks like it's covered in vulture-like creatures. The walls are covered in Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Archaeologists found nearly 50 colorful vultures on the ceiling of the temple. (Image credit: Courtesy University of Tubingen)

The colorful paintings of the temple were covered with soot and dirt over the centuries. Leitz said that the Egyptian-German team cleaned the paintings with alcohol.

The team found that the temple's paintings depict two deities, one of which is a cobra-headed goddess. The white crown of Upper Egypt is worn by Nekhbet while the crown of Lower Egypt is worn by Wadjet. The ancient Egyptians referred to Nekhbet and Wadjet as two ladies.

The depiction of Two Ladies, Nekhbet and Wadjet, which has now been revealed, was previously unknown to experts.

In ancient Egypt, Nekhbet and Wadjet were often depicted as protectors. The colors of the paintings are what are extraordinary here.

Here we see several ancient Egyptian temple columns that have been cleaned show that the ancient Egyptians used blues, greens, reds and yellows when painting.

The cleaned columns of the temple show that the ancient Egyptians used blues, greens, reds and yellows when painting.  (Image credit: Courtesy University of Tubingen)

According to the statement, the pronaos is 121 feet long, 66 feet wide and 49 feet tall. The statement noted that the ancient Egyptians might have built the vestibule after other parts of the temple were built. The team will be publishing details about their finds in the future.

The statement said that more than half of the ceilings and eight of the columns have been cleaned.

The Egyptian-German team is led by Hisham el-Leithy of the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, while the other is overseen by Ahmed Emam, who is also with the ministry.

It was originally published on Live Science.