Did you know that more than ninety percent of people browse online reviews before deciding to buy products and services?

Even though it can be difficult to understand the fundamentals of digital marketing, it's an important thing to do if you want to grow your business. The problem is that many people don't know how to get started in doing this.

To help you out, we've created a guide. Keep reading and we'll tell you what's important to know.

  1. You Need to Have an SEO Strategy

The most important and least expensive aspect of digital marketing is SEO (search engine optimization). SEO is a strategy that marketers use to make it more likely that their digital content will rank highly on search engines. You can optimize your content for search engines by choosing the right keywords to use on your web pages and blog posts.

To get started with SEO content marketing, you need to identify what keywords relate to the product or service that you're offering. Once you figure this out, you'll need to do some research to find out which of these keywords people often search for on search engines, and which ones your business has the best chance of ranking highly for on search engine results.

If you want to design a great SEO strategy, you'll also need to know how to effectively use backlinks. Your goal should be to create more quality links to your web pages.

One of the most common questions that people ask is "how many backlinks do I need to rank?". The truth is that you should build as many backlinks as you can. The more backlinks you have, the more organic traffic your webpage will receive from Google.

  1. Embrace Online Advertising

There are many ways to get started with online advertising. If you don't have a huge budget, it's a good idea to make use of social media channels like Facebook and Instagram to get started with advertising.

You can also make use of paid features on these platforms to focus your marketing efforts on your target audience.

  1. Create an Email Marketing Campaign

Email marketing is one of the easiest, cheapest, and most effective ways to connect with new potential clients and maintain relationships with current and past clients.

Even though this digital marketing technique has been around for many years, it's still one of the most important aspects of digital marketing. If you don't yet make use of email marketing, consider starting a weekly newsletter to send to your customers.

Fundamentals of Digital Marketing: Email, SEO, and Online Advertising

If you've been wondering what are the fundamentals of digital marketing, remember that SEO is the first thing you should focus on. It's also essential to advertise online and create email marketing campaigns.

If you're interested in learning more about marketing, be sure to check out the Business section of our blog.