iFixit accidentally put official parts for every piece of the console up for sale on Friday, pushing most of the collection.

If you click right now, you won't be able to buy some of the most desirable items. The fan and screens are out of stock, the daughterboards are MIA, and iFixit only has a limited amount of the Steam Deck.

iFixit has lots more on order and are catching up on the supply chain, but it won't be the case forever, says iFixit CEO Kyle Wiens.

The whole list of parts that iFixit is planning to stock in the near term.

SKU / Link Name Price
SKU / Link Name Price
2600021 Steam Deck Fan / Part Only $24.99
2600022 Steam Deck Fan / Fix Kit $29.99
2600031 Steam Deck (512GB) Screen / Part Only $94.99
2600032 Steam Deck (512GB) Screen / Fix Kit $99.99
2600041 Steam Deck (64GB or 256GB) Screen / Part Only $64.99
2600042 Steam Deck (64GB or 256GB) Screen / Fix Kit $69.99
2600051 Steam Deck Right Thumbstick / Part Only $19.99
2600052 Steam Deck Right Thumbstick / Fix Kit $24.99
2600061 Steam Deck Left Thumbstick / Part Only $19.99
2600062 Steam Deck Left Thumbstick / Fix Kit $24.99
2600071 Steam Deck Action Button Rubber Membrane $4.99
2600081 Steam Deck D-Pad Rubber Membrane $4.99
2600091 Steam Deck Steam Button Rubber Membrane $4.99
2600101 Steam Deck Speakers $24.99
2600291 Steam Deck Left Trigger Button Assembly $7.99
2600301 Steam Deck Right Trigger Button Assembly $7.99
2600161 Steam Deck Left Bumper Button Assembly $6.99
2600171 Steam Deck Right Bumper Button Assembly $6.99
2600181 Steam Deck Back Plate $24.99
2600191 Steam Deck Front Plate $24.99
2600201 Steam Deck Motherboard $349.99
2600211 Steam Deck Right Daughter Board $29.99
2600221 Steam Deck Left Daughter Board $34.99
2600231 Steam Deck Battery Adhesive $4.99
2600241 Steam Deck Screen Adhesive $4.99
2600251 Steam Deck AC Adapter (US) $24.99
2600261 Steam Deck AC Adapter (EU) $24.99
2600271 Steam Deck AC Adapter (UK) $24.99

iFixit doesn't have a solution for battery replacement yet, and the glue-in-place battery makes it difficult to fix.

One important warning seems to be missing from iFixit's guides: don't forget to remove your microSD card before you open it. Some people have accidentally sheared their cards in half while trying to pull open the snap-apart case, which is otherwise quite easy to open with a plastic pry tool.

iFixit CEO's comments on supply and demand have been added.

The parts went on sale Friday, not Saturday, as we originally wrote.