John Oliver has taken on Subway, explaining the company's questionable history of expansion, and poking fun at the sandwich chain's placement in Korean dramas.

Oliver pointed out that every plot point seems to occur in a Subway show.

Oliver gave a brief rundown of Someway's plot, which involved a love triangle between a Subway employee, a customer, and another Subway employee.

Oliver said it was really good.

The main focus of Oliver's segment was the Subway franchise contracts. The company pays 12.5 percent of the franchisee's gross earnings to it, with 4.5 percent going toward advertising. It is an extremely difficult requirement, and one that is very different from McDonald's franchisees.

Someway has English subtitles that are useful for people who want to watch the series on their own.

Oliver filmed his own short drama about the Subway chain, if you prefer your sandwich-themed romances to incorporate unfortunate truths about the struggles of Subway franchisees. His love triangle is slightly less idealistic, with lines such as "We're not even sure if the meat in those is real"