In the latest episode of Fear The Walking Dead, Wes is evil.
I don't want to waste your time or my time, so I'll be brief with this review of Fear The Walking Dead's latest awful excuse for an episode of television.
Daniel tags along because he thinks Ofelia is in the tower, because Luciana lied to him, because he was tricked into coming into the tower. Wes became a True Believer in both the methods and the promise of the tower after he lied.
The man tells the woman that he thinks of her as his daughter and that he wants to prove to her that he can make a beautiful place where everyone can be safe. He doesn't explain why he had to go full villain to do that and then throw people off the roof.
Wes decided thatStrand had gone soft and turned his own men against him. Wes has become the Big Bad of Fear The Walking Dead. The same Wes that painted the trees withAlicia back in the day is now even more evil than before. All of a sudden.
Daniel finds Charlie who they try to pass off as Ofelia before telling him the truth and he sits with her because she is the closest thing he has to a daughter. They have Charlie in a bandana. It is very silly.
The actor is Colman Domingo as Victor Strand.
Daniel shows up in the nick of time but Wes shoots him. It was Wes who was killed with the saber by Strand. He got to be a side character for a long time, a nice guy, and then he got to be a villain for a few episodes, and then he died. The guys know how to write a good character story.
The beacon at the top of the tower is going to be destroyed byAlicia because the Good Guys can assault the tower once the light is out. I thought Morgan was the one who got the zombies to follow him. That happened in last week's episode, so it doesn't apply to this week's episode.
The Heroes of Texas are able to start their tower invasion when the beacon falls and breaks after the fight on the roof. She hooks up her transponder to the electrical gizmo that the beacon was hooked up to and radios everyone in Texas that she needs their help and they can build a community together. All these random strangers will be fun to work with.
Next week, everyone will be looking for a new safe place to live after the tower catches fire and burns down. If there is a good or bad community for The Walking Dead, our heroes come across. It only took a few weeks for Morgan andAlicia to ruin everything that was built by Strand. Good job! Maybe next time you will find your own office building. I'm pretty sure Texas has a few.
Alycia Debnam-Carey is the person playing the role of Alicia Clark.
This was a very stupid episode, capping off a very stupid conflict over a stupid office building that is now a smoldering ruin. Wes was the true villain of this season, and he was killed by Strand. They get to go through the nuclear wasteland of Texas because they are all screwed. What a joke.
You can read my live-tweets from when I watched the show.
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