During an interview that aired on Sunday, former Defense Secretary Robert Gates said that a White House candidacy by Donald Trump would be a concern to him.

Gates expressed some hesitancy when asked if the return of Trump to the Oval Office would pose a national security threat.

Gates served as the director of Central Intelligence from 1991 to 1993 and was the nation's defense secretary from 2006 to 2011.

Gates conceded that Brennan's response was a very diplomatic phrase.

He said that was where he was.

His comments came as Brennan mentioned Mark Esper's bombshell book about his time in the Trump administration, in which the ex-defense secretary said that the former president wanted to shoot demonstrators protesting the death of George Floyd and alleged that allies of the former commander-in-chief called him disloyal.

Gates has not had the warmest words for the former Republican president.

Gates criticized Trump in a January 2020 PBS interview.

He said at the time that being a unifying president is low on the priority list of the incumbent.

In a May 2021, interview with "Face the Nation", the long time Washington official said that the presidents who he served under would not recognize the current iteration of the Republican Party.

I worked for eight presidents. Five of them were Republicans. He said at the time that no one would recognize the Republican Party today.

The values and principles that the Republican Party stood for under those five presidents are hard to find nowadays.