Josh Shapiro, the state's Democratic gubernatorial nominee, blasted his Republican general election opponent, conservative state Sen. Doug Mastriano, as dangerous and divisive.

During an interview on CNN's State of the Union, Shapiro pointed to a range of issues from abortion to election integrity, saying that Mastriano's views are outside of the political mainstream.

The two-term attorney general told Dana Bash that he was extreme and dangerous. He kept marching after the police told him to stop. He wants to overturn the last election, but also wants to pick the winner of the next one.

The man who ran for the Democratic nomination called out Mastriano for his stance on marriage equality and climate change.

—CNN (@CNN) May 22, 2022

He said that he wants to make it illegal to have same-sex marriage in Pennsylvania. He is dangerous. The contrast was clear.

We will point out the differences. I have been focused on the future of Pennsylvania that will grow our economy, improve our schools, and make sure that we have safe communities. He has been looking at the past. He is dangerous and divisive.

Mastriano was endorsed by the former president earlier this month, and he has been a big supporter of Donald Trump.

Mastriano received 43 percent of the vote in the GOP primary, well ahead of the second place candidate, Lou Barletta, who received 20 percent of the vote.

The winner of the general election will be the next governor.