President Joe Biden and Vice- President Kamala Harris are among the Americans permanently banned from entering Russia.

On Saturday, the Russian foreign ministry released an updated list of sanctions against a number of individuals in response to US support for Ukraine and the sanctions imposed on Russia.

Biden administration members, Republications, tech executives, journalists, regular US citizens and even lawmakers who have died are among those named on the list.

The foreign ministry said in a news release that Russia does not seek confrontation and is open to honest, mutually respectful dialogue.

The White House was contacted by an Insider.

Donald Trump was not included in the list of members of Congress. The former Secretary of State was included.

When the Senate passed a new aid package measure of $40 billion, it gave Ukraine with new military and humanitarian assistance.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York is listed as a sanctioned individual.

If Putin thinks banning me from Russia is going to change my support for Ukraine, I have bad news for him. It is not. The United States supports Ukraine.

Meta's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, and Microsoft's president, Brad Smith, were also added to the list.

Bianna Golodryga of CNN is one of the individuals.