Hillary Clinton approved the leaking of uncorroborated information that there was a backchannel server connection between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank, her former campaign manager testified on Friday.

Clinton's 2016 campaign manager testified in the federal trial of her former lawyer who is accused of trying to bribe the FBI in the run-up to the election.

Mook testified that he discussed the leak of odd internet data with Clinton, who approved of it.

During a meeting with senior campaign officials, he said he learned about the cyber activity that suggested a relationship between Alfa bank and the organization of former President Donald Trump.

Mook said that Hillary agreed with the decision.

Mook said the campaign was hoping to get the information out and write about what they believe is true.

The campaign of Clinton had previously said that it did not authorize any lawyers to take that information to the FBI.

Mook testified that he would not have taken those allegations to the FBI and instead would have taken them to the press.

Mook said that they did not trust the FBI. We didn't want to have anything to do with the organization at that time.

When he filed evidence with the FBI showing suspicious internet traffic connecting the Trump Organization to Alfa Bank, he was accused of not revealing his Democrat links. The man has pleaded not guilty.