When police confronted the white man suspected of killing 10 Black people at a Buffalo supermarket, he was wearing body armor and carrying a rifle.

After talking to Gendron, officers persuaded him to put his weapon down and arrested him. Buffalo Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia said it was a tremendous act of bravery.

In a country where Black people have been killed in encounters with police over minor traffic violations or no citations at all, it raises the question of where the training is for them.

It's important to point out that this isn't about why police aren't killing white supremacist terrorists.

Dylann Roof, who killed nine Black people at a South Carolina church in 2015, Robert Long, who killed eight people at a Georgia massage businesses last year, and Patrick Crusius, who killed two people at a restaurant in Texas, are some of the white men who were taken calmly into George Floyd, Atatiana Jefferson, and a host of other Black people have died at the hands of the police when the initial circumstances were less volatile.

There is a stark contrast between how a Kyle Rittenhouse is treated by the system in these incidents and how a Black man is treated in general.

The public perception of the two cases are similar. Rittenhouse raised his hands as he walked toward the police. He testified at trial that police told him to turn himself in the next day. He was acquitted of all charges.

A few people said at the time that Kyle Rittenhouse wouldn't have made it out of Kenosha if he were a young black man. She said that he might not have made it to a trial.

Rahman warned against viewing high-profile incidents in a vacuum. She said that interactions with the police are often more dangerous for Black people than other people.

In Buffalo, the difference has been noted, according to the poet Laureate and director of leadership development at Open Buffalo.

She said that police don't hesitate to take deadly action against Black and brown people.

According to the president of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, there has been a racial divide in the US that affects every aspect of the criminal legal process.

The impact of implicit bias on policing has been studied extensively and the perception of racism is perpetuated because of it. It taints these encounters by making officers think a person of color is more dangerous than a white person.

In the wake of what the public has seen of disparate treatment in recent years, the director of the National Policing Institute Center for Targeted Violence Prevention hopes there is a rethinking of how police respond to situations.

Maybe the fact that these videos are out there will affect how officers are trained to respond to arrest situations.

The executive director of the Police Executive Research Forum said that Buffalo's Gramaglia asked for help with de-escalation training last year.

The training is known as ICAT. The Buffalo police trainers were trained on the tactics by the group in February of 2021.

It gives you a sense of how the department was thinking.

"I think you have to look at the facts and training and tactics and realize that every situation is different." The security guard who shot at the man was a former police officer. The guard died.

The situation changed when the suspect came out.

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The reporter was from Philadelphia. Noreen Nasir is a video journalist for the Associated Press.

It was.

A member of the AP's team covering race and ethnicity, Hajela is on the social media site.